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Location matters (and Route data matters) for MMM

This week Euan Mackay and Denise Turner attended a session hosted by JCDecaux called ‘Location Matters’. This was an inspiring session focused around building effective Mixed Media Models and how to best represent OOH when doing so (spoiler: use Route data to full effect!).


The session kicked off with a presentation from Grace Kite who espoused the value of mixed media models and did a state of the nation in 2024, Louise Etherdon from CACI talked through the suite of geo-spatial data which are on offer and was then followed by a presentation by Jeremy Cartwright of Nielsen who talked through work which JCDecaux has commissioned called ‘Location Matters for MMM’ work.


The key point of the session can be boiled down to: “Use Route data to it’s full capacity”.


JCD and Nielsen created two models as part of their project, one based on OOH spend, and the other based on full use of Route audiences. When Route data was used as an input OOH’s effect increased by 42% over model 1.


A summary of the work and findings is available here.

The session closed with a plea from Chris Felton of JCDecaux to make full use of the Route dataset in their econometric models and encouraged analysts to reach out to their OOH specialists or to JCDecaux to help them access the necessary data.